Friday, December 10, 2010

Critical Review and Stuff

Critical Review is today.  We will see how that goes.  *update*  It went fine.
Because my project has changed a bit I have to write a new proposal, which makes a lot of sense.  So that will give me something to do on break. 

I have not posted in a while, but that does not mean that I have not been working on the project.  I completed my actionscript/xml project which relates to my final project. 
So far I have a map, and when you click on a spot on the map you see the animal that lives in that bit of the Zoo.  So that is a big step and a good jumping off point. 
I have a pretty basic storyboard.  it is only 4 frames and not really very detailed.  It has given me an opportunity to organize my thoughts and get a better idea of how things will be layed out. 
I have also drawn up a few characters in illustrator.  I have a meerkat, an elephant, and a giraffe.  I did not spend too much time on them, but they actually look pretty good for the time being. 
I also have a Gantt chart made.  Actually I made it three weeks ago and it looks like I am still on schedule.  

Hey, blogger is finally letting me upload images!
in order:
That is my interactive zoo map down there.
below are a couple examples from my very basic storyboard.  The first with the elephant is an example of where you would go after clicking for "more information" on an animal.  You can get some fun facts/information/photos and maybe little movies
the next picture is a fun "Create a habitat" application where you chose bits to make up a habitat for an animal to live in.  I am hoping that the user would be able to print this or send it off as an e-card... I'll have to look into how that is done. 

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