Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas break is over

So what is new?

I recently started making a skeleton of the website.  I have all the divs and such roughly arranged.  I was able to add the .swf to the and it loads fine, but the xml information will not load.   So I will have to figure that out.

I will also have to think of a way to include 3D into my project.  I do not know exactly how I plan to do this yet.  I have a few ideas but I need to have a better understanding of what we can and cannot do with the imported papervision stuff.  For example, can we import a 3D file that has motion or a moving camera? How do we add materials to what we import?  Besides being able to rotate the 3D image around with the mouse, what other controls can we have (and do we do that using actionscript and will that be pain in the butt) 
We are still going to be doing that papervision 3d flash stuff in class so hopefully those questions will be answered sooner than later. 

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