Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sound and final touches

A flurry of work this weekend adding some sound and fixing little bits and pieces.

I got my wife, brother, and sister to do some voice work for the animals.  I'll also add a voice when you hover over buttons.

Aside from that I have done some work on the iframe so I can moderate the comments a bit and so something different appears on the map and builder.  There are some other little changes as well.  Stuff just keeps coming up!

If I have time I want to make it so the iframe does not register in the browser history.  I can do that with a bit of javascript I think.  Another odd problem is that occasionally, if you click on the map buttons too fast the animal image and text that pops up moves to the front of the display and never goes away even when new movies are loaded.  I don't even know where to start with that, so i'll not worry about it right now.

I have the sound mostly done, I just need my sister to give me the elephant voice.
I need to finish my final report.  I have a lot of words right now, but it is a big mess.  I am also getting some business cards prepared for the exhibition.


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